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Tuesday, 13 January 2015
5 Steps To Deal With Guys Looking At Your Girlfriend
If you're dating a beautiful woman, it probably comes as no surprise that she's drawing the attention of a large number of guys as you pass by together. As complimentary as it may be, it's natural to feel uncomfortable and perhaps a little peeved that several guys are ogling her everywhere you go. Before
you blow a fuse, handle the situation with care and learn how to deal with guys who have their eye on your girlfriend.
Laugh it off. Take their attention for what it is -- a
compliment -- and be happy that you’ve got a great
woman by your side. When you notice some guy making
googly eyes at your girlfriend, show him and your sweetie
that a little innocent competition doesn’t bother you. Give
the guy a little eye contact to show him you see him
looking and keep moving.
Stay close. When you’re walking around in the mall or at
a special event, don’t make the mistake of walking so far
away from your girlfriend that she looks like she’s single.
Stay close by so other guys know she's not single.
Show affection. Give your onlookers a little show.
Practice a little PDA (public display of affection) when
you’ve got a few guys looking your way. A kiss or an
embrace will be just enough for the nosy guys to only
wish they had what you’ve got. Be honest with your
girlfriend though, and let her know what's going on to
maintain trust in your relationship.
Ask your girlfriend to chime in. If the looks become a
problem, ask her to pipe in with a word or two. She can
whisper to her fans that she’s taken or point to you and
mention, “I love this guy.” The looks are playful and
shouldn’t threaten your relationship. Have fun with all the
attention and feel lucky that she’s drawing the interest.
Enjoy it. As long as you have confidence in your
relationship and you feel a solid connection, there
shouldn’t be anything to worry about. Enjoy the extra
attention and be proud that you're dating a beautiful girl.
Don’t allow the attention she attracts to destroy your
sense of security in your relationship.